Hydro-meteorology, Hydrology, Water Resources Engineering and River Engineering
Tadashi Suetsugi
Since the research on flood disaster prevention is related to the geomorphology and environmental status, it is important to hold the viewpoint of "Comprehensive river engineering".
I will make proposal on disaster mitigation toward safety and relief of inhabitants by investigating the change of flood and inundation that geomorphology and environmental factor such as vegetation influence as the basis of meteorology and sediment transport from watershed scale.
I will carry out the practical research as keywords "the improvement of engineers' ability and sharing the know-how" with other members. |
Hiroshi Ishidaira
Fair and rational water management policy needs to be based on the latest scientific facts, and river discharge data represents some extremely significant fundamental information towards this end.
However, the observation density of river discharge is rarely adequate, and since there is often insufficient budget for the continuous operation of existing observation stations, many of these are not functioning properly.
This sort of inadequacy and decline of hydrological observation networks is particularly marked in developing countries, greatly hindering the achievement of sustainable development in the regions in question.
The one of our research target is to develop the methodology for estimating the river discharge in ungauged or poorly gauged basins using hydrological model and satellite observations. |
Yutaka Ichikawa
Our lives are always with water. In order to build safe and comfortable societies, it is essential to cope effectively with water.
The aim of research activities is to develop good relationships of human societies and water by scientifically investigating hydrological cycles
and water/energy/material flows under a wide range of diverse conditions through mathematical modeling approaches and by systematically addressing a variety of important issues which arise at interfaces between hydrological phenomena and our social systems. |
Jun Magome
Analyzing impacts of human activity on hydrological cycle, both basin and global scale are important.
For the research, satellite remote sensing data, GIS data and hydro-meteorological data are collected as database and integrated to hydrological model.
Then, new utilization of latest web-based "Information and communication technologies" such as e-learning and communication tools are also planed to be developed for more effective sharing data, model and knowledge. |
Kazuyoshi Souma
Recently, the effects of human activities on global climate, especially the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, become serious problems.
The local human activities, such as urban activities, are also important especially for water cycle and climate change over river basins.
In my research, I will develop an advanced climate model including local human activities and evaluate their effects on water cycle and climate change over major river basins in Southeast Asia.
Mainly the numerical simulations are used in this research, but I will try to include the analysis using precipitation radar and heat / water budget observed over urban areas.
Tetsuya Sano
My research topic is the formation process of heavy rainfall occurred on mountains and a basin using the X-band Dual-Polarimetric Radar mainly.
From the new scientific knowledge, the methods of the detection and chase of heavy rainfall and the estimation of rainfall amount using a meteorological radar will be developed,
which will be applied to the construction of flood disaster prevention system and so on.
A precipitation phenomenon is one of the natural phenomena that is close to us and that sometimes causes serious water problems.
I study a precipitating phenomenon from both standpoints of the elucidation of scientific phenomena and the solution of social water problems. |
Naoki Miyazawa
Understanding of bank erosion and sediment movement is important in the Mekong River.
Based on previous research results, we will conduct laboratory experiments, field surveys, monitoring and modeling.
For the establishment of sediment management practices appropriate to local situations, we will examine these problems from the hydrological, hydraulic, geomorphic and ecological points of view.
In 2011, we will estimate the impact of dynamics of riparian vegetation, land use change in the banks, and sediment supply from upstream on bank erosion and channel change. |
Kazuhiro Kakizawa CREST researcher
Temur M KHUJANAZAROV GCOE researcher
Ichiko Inagaki GCOE researcher
My research topics are effects and method of disaster prevention education.
Disaster prevention education is important to urge disaster prevention activities.
However, recently the problem of disaster prevention activity that people do not do evacuation under natural disaster occurrence situation is reported by researchers.
Because of these factors, I study about disaster prevention education with flood disaster, cognition, memory, decision making and education as keywords.
moved in Sep. 2012 |
Kengo Sunada
The members discuss river course management and river environments based on the clarification of river course characteristics.
Taking the Fuji River as a research theme, we perform hydraulic evaluations of historical flood control facilities and investigate the fluctuation of the bed of the Fuji River.
We consider water problems facing river basins throughout Asia, and share our experiences and knowledge to search for methods of resolving challenges.
retired in Mar. 2012 |
Ratih Indri Hapsari GCOE researcher
moved in Mar. 2012
Silva Galbokke Hewage Amila Chinthaka GCOE researcher
Hydrology and Water resources Engineering moved in Feb. 2011 |
Ryuji Kawanaka GCOE researcher
moved in Jan. 2011 |
Yukiko Hirabayashi
My research involves many aspects of hydrology and water cycle.
I conduct both observational analyses and model simulations. My current research focuses on global hydrological cycle, detection and attribution of human effects on the climate system associated with water cycle, and the impacts of climate change on water cycle and human activities.
I am now working on future projections on water resources and water related disasters under so called global warming.
moved in Nov. 2009 |
Satoru Oishi
Development of disaster prevention system from water related disaster in Kofu Basin is conducted by foreign students from Asian region, Japanese Ph.D students and master students with professors.
Very High-Tech Dopplar Polarimetric Radar, numerical simulation for flood and inundation process and 2-D and 3-D view of the process on GIS system will be included in the system.
Based on practical research for communication mechanism for disaster prevention information and disaster prevention education, research on providing evacuation information will be conducted as well.
moved in Sep. 2009 |