What's and How to use Virtual Academy
1) E-learning (Keywords : E-learning, web-based training(WBT))
2) Onsite training (face to face) (will be held in workshop at same time)
Course Contents (e.g. : Hydrological Prediction/River Basin Management)
The program of the Virtual Academy also focuses on integrated river basin management. Current available course contents are a catchment discharge prediction using the BTOPMC distributed hydrological model, which is a valuable tool for river basin management and flood prediction applications, and Landslide hazard zoning using GIS techniques. For more details, please visit "Curriculum".

Sharing experiences and knowledge
Our final goal is "sharing our experiences and knowledge" with people in Asian Regions by using international information through virtual academy activity and by developing the database stored all feedbacks and datasets.
1) Mailing List (VA-ML)
For more detailed information, please contact to GCOE Virtual Academy Office and/or UY-GCOE member.
2) Community Site
Available from here (UY-GCOE Communication Space (tentative name))
3) Virtual Academy Database
Now under development through UY-GCOE Communication Space (tentative name).